Zionsville, IN: We have adored Stacy & Chad since we 1st met them for their Kentucky engagement session, almost a full DECADE ago! Truly can’t believe how FAST time has passed! This pair has been some of our favorite wedding clients to this date because of their genuine hearts, chemistry while in front of the camera, appreciative spirits & photogenic smiles. I’ve been looking forward to photographing their sweet family since they became parents, however they’ve always lived out of state. This Fall, travel plans aligned & they drove ALL the way to central IN for their session…I can’t tell you how much that touched my heart…6+ hours round trip of driving with 2 babies in a car, just to see me!
Stacy & Chad have created the perfect little family & life together. I knew they would be amazing parents because they have such kind-hearted personalities! Blue-eyed baby Sam is such a tiny charmer…I could cuddle him forever! Big sister Emmy wasn’t thrilled with getting photos taken after a long car ride, however she warmed up & showed off her adorable personality for the camera. She is such a natural beauty with her bouncing blonde curls, sweet smile & bright eyes. I LOVE photographing past wedding clients because I get to see a shift in their personality, as they become parents. The new role changes them into patient, silly, compassionate & cuddly people who have turned their focus onto caring for their babies. Parenting is a wild ride & I love seeing wedding clients enter this adventure along with us! Sooooo many faves from this adorable early Fall farm session…ENJOY this sweet family! – Stefanie